Tuesday 17 June 2008

Central Saint Martins throws open degree show doors

Central Saint Martins was officially my last pitstop on my whirlwind tour of graduate shows last week. On Friday, June 13, the college hosted the private view for its fashion and fine arts show at its Charing Cross Road building, which is now open to the public.
It is shameful to admit it, but I hadn't previously visited the hallowed halls of this building, which sweep the visitor up into its excitement. The space had a brilliant, electric vibe and I can see whay Louise Wilson, who is Course Director of the MA, is so aghast at their impending move to King's Cross. It made me want to go back to college, and soon, just to have had the experience of working in its shabby studios and stashing my work in its school-like lockers.
The work itself was high calibre, with some of the menswear graduates really standing out for their illustration and minutely observed flats - I always appreciate well-executed technical drawings! And the fashion communication course was ultra-inspiring, and a reminder of how vibrant and challenging publishing can be.
University of the Arts London hosts a Graduate Week, June 30-July 4, to offer advice and support to all students about to embark on their careers. I was very excited to be given one as in my mind it was because I looked like one of the students, but in reality was probably because everyone was being given them (I still choose to add it to my bank of ID-ing situations...). There are lots of criticism for some of the university's courses not offering enough support, but this course, which runs just as the graduates have got their heads around no longer being in education seems timely and useful.

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