Monday 23 June 2008

Festival goggles - Rayban or not to??

I feel that I have been neglectful of late; almost six days have passed but no post. My whole other life was beginning to go to the dogs, and all the excitement of degree shows had addled my brain, so forgive me.
So yesterday, the shopping revved up again, as I found myself preparing for festival season in true Brit style - undertaking the ominous task of buying suitable waterproof. Have I mentioned that at last years Glastonbury the weather was so bad that I cried. Well I did. It was horrible. Of course, yes, I could've eschewed Glasto altogether, what with it being year of the 'boutique festival' after all, but it's all for charity and the kids in Nicaragua need every penny they can get.
Let's just say that in my Craghoppers Aquadry - men's style not women's as they were in lame-O colours - I look like Ian Brown gone female. I reckon I can style it up mind, and found myself in Toppers (ie. Topshop) trying on dozens of pairs of cheap sunglasses. I have a fantasy that I own a pair of wayfarers, but then forget whether that was because I believe everything I see and/or read, or whether it's because I actually like them. I think I do, and I think it's because it reminds me of every cool 80s film - Lost Boys, Pretty in Pink, and on and on - and also of my mum and her cool friends who, c. 1985, all looked like the stars of those films but cooler still.

Feel like I should have taken a few more pics!!

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