Monday, 22 March 2010

GFW students Rankin the industry

Graduate Fashion Week has not only hooked in uber-snapper Rankin to shoot this year's publicity campaign, but has also announced a reflective industry award, voted for by students themselves. Fashion/Popcorn is currently investigating how this award with be nominated and votes cast; certainly we think it presents a perfect opportunity for souping-up the event's digital presence and engaging its audience - let's see if it's fully exploited.

Turning tables on the industry, 2010 graduates will pick the public personality who 'pushes the boundaries of fashion', and inspires them the most. This person doesn't have to be fashionista, per se, so we wait with bated breath to see who scoops the accolade - will 2010's cohort choose an A-list model, a singer or a high profile designer, or dig a little deeper behind the scenes, highlighting the work of a supportive 'suit' or super-slick patterncutter?

In the decade since I graduated via GFW, has grown exponentially, particularly with the increasing professionalism of graduates, the advent of digital and six years-worth of River Island sponsorship. Certainly, River Island has seemingly benefitted hugely from association, putting its money where its mouth is, using the event as an opportunity to glean the cream of the crop before anyone else gets a look in!

For my money, it's a must-see talent and education showcase, a chance to interact with top notch creative bods competing more and more fiercely to gain a foothold in the industry. A ticketed event, GFW is open to the public.

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